
Twitter to acquire Android lockscreen app Cover


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Twitter to acquire Android lockscreen app Cover

The social media giant has acquired Cover for an undisclosed amount


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The social media giant has acquired Cover for an undisclosed amount

Twitter will acquire Cover, an Android app for customizing smartphone lockscreens for an undisclosed amount.

The founders posted a blog[1] on Monday stating Twitter believes in the potential of Android and shares the vision that smartphones can be smarter, more useful and more contextual.

"Together we're going to make that happen," the blog states. "We'll be building upon a lot of what makes Cover great, and we're thrilled to create something even better at Twitter."

Jeff Seibert, mobile platform director at Twitter confirmed the acquisition in a tweet.

The founders of Cover said the app will remain in the Google Play Store while they focus their attention at Twitter. They also took to the social media site to announce the acquisition.

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