TECH NOW: Decoding all that processor lingo
Who cares about core processors? We do, and so should you if you plan to buy a new computer this year. Here's why:
If you've been in the market for a new gadget lately, you've likely been bombarded with tech jargon that sounds like a cross between a football audible[1] — i3, i5, i7 (hike!) — and a choice of Ivy League schools (Snapdragon, Haswell, Ivy Bridge). I'm talking about various types of core processors, which are like the heart and brains of our favorite gadgets. Why should you care? For one, which one you choose makes a big difference in cost — sometimes by thousands of dollars. Also, core processors can play a big difference in how fast your gadget goes and how long the battery lasts.
You hear a line or two of core-related tech-speak every time you come across a new desktop, laptop, tablet and 2-in-1.
Speed and power are two of the biggest tasks a processor manages, and that means a great deal when it comes to performing everyday tasks, from loading a webpage to playing a video game. What you plan to do with your computer should influence the processor you go for. If you browse the Web, check e-mail, all tasks that are fairly easy, you won't need much power. But if you're going to play games or edit movies, you'll want a little more under the hood or else you'll feel like you're in the slow lane on the highway.

When it comes to laptops, desktops and 2-and-1 computers, the name you hear most is Intel. While there are other many other chip makers, such as Samsung[2], which makes the Exynos that power some Chromebooks, AMD[3], known for gaming and graphics, and Qualcomm[4], one of the most popular in smartphones and tablets, Intel remains the most prolific provider of these little everything-engines. For simplicity sake, we'll use Intel by name here, but many of the core concepts — such as price and speed — are similar across brands. (For instance, you'll pay more for the latest and greatest, even though last year's model might be all you need.)
The latest generation are code-named Haswell — and you may find them referred to that way in advertising — but they're officially known as 4th Generation Intel Core processors. Haswell has greatly improved the power usage of the chips, which has allowed laptops to have extraordinary battery life — real-world performance of nine to 12 hours.
While these are the latest and, according to Intel, greatest processors, you can still get great performance out of the older, 3rd Generation Intel Core processors (Ivy Bridge) — especially if you're buying a desktop system, which doesn't need the energy efficiency of 4th Gen processors. And with everyone wanting the latest Haswell processors, Ivy Bridge chips can be a decent way to pick up a bargain. But if you're buying a laptop, an ultrabook, or a 2-in-1 (laptop/tablet hybrid), the extra battery life you'll get from a Haswell is worth the expense.
Intel sells them in three speeds, i3, i5 and i7. Lower numbers mean less power — and a lower price. Beyond that label, each processor will also have a speed in GHz (gigahertz). 4th Gen processors range from 1.2 GHz in speed on the low end and all the way up to 3.6 GHz on the high end — though expect to pay a premium for those faster speeds. The price difference between i3 and i5 is typically around $50-$100. But taking the leap up to i7 is often quite a bit more.
For people who use computers at home to manage e-mail, browse the Web, and spend hours perusing Pinterest[5], lower speeds, i3-i5, should give plenty of processing power. Gamers, video editors, and people creating graphics-rich documents should look at higher speeds, i5-i7. Another number you'll see is the cores the processor has: 4th Gen Intel processors have two or four (dual or quad) cores. More cores equals more power, especially if you're running multiple tasks at a time.
Intel has two really great sites to help make it a lot easier to figure out which core is right for you — how to choose the right Intel processor[6], and an Intel processor comparison[7]. Both sites are packed with information, videos, and everything you need to get past today's core confusion.
Jennifer Jolly is an Emmy award-winning consumer tech contributor and host of USA TODAY's digital video show TECH NOW. E-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.[8]. Follow her on Twitter: @JenniferJolly[9].
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