
EBay U.S. work force is heavily white and Asian

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SAN FRANCISCO — Most of eBay's U.S. workers — some 85% — are white and Asian.

Nearly all of eBay's U.S. technology workers — 95% — are white and Asian, the numbers show.

EBay on Thursday joined other major companies in Silicon Valley in releasing the demographics of its work force, which show the company has more women than most but still has a scarcity of blacks and Hispanics.

MORE: Tech execs need to speak up[1]

The eBay breakdown reveals that 58% of the company's work force around the world is composed of men. Men also hold 76% of the tech jobs that command that highest salaries.

Women hold 49% of non-tech jobs and 28% of management jobs.

In the U.S., 61% of the workers are white and 24%, Asian. Of U.S. staffers, 7% are black and 5%, Hispanic, a higher percentage than other technology companies that have released diversity figures.

But the numbers are far smaller when confined to technology jobs. Of technology workers, 2% are black and 2% are Hispanic.

EBay said 2% of its management is black and 2% is Hispanic.

"As our data shows, we have made progress in some areas. But we still have much work to do," eBay said[2] in a blog post.

The underrepresentation of blacks and Hispanics mirrors findings from other Silicon Valley companies, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Apple and Pandora have each said they plan to release diversity statistics.

Mobile payments company Square, led by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, says it has no plans to release any information on its demographics.

Silicon Valley tech companies have begun releasing diversity data under pressure from a campaign launched by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

Jackson is turning up the heat on Silicon Valley companies to diversify their work forces.

"While eBay has a relatively higher percentage of blacks in non-tech fields, they are the first to admit they have a long way to go," Jackson said. "It will take more than desire and aspiration. It will require that eBay and other tech companies establish real goals, targets and timetables and a real plan to measure, account for and achieve their goals."​

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