
YoungMoney: What we'll be eating in five years

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YoungMoney: What we'll be eating in five years


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YoungMoney: What we'll be eating in five years

NPD Group reports that Gen Z will drive fresh food, actually cooking, in the kitchen.

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YoungMoney: What we'll be eating in five years

Gen Z is adopting Millennials' eating habits to an even greater degree, pushing fresh foods in and pre-packaged meals out. VPC

The country's next generation of eaters is all about homemade breakfast, crunchy greens and savory snacks.

It's not just about Millennials anymore. Gen Z is on our heels and they're adopting our food preferences to an even greater degree.

Fresh food consumption is forecast to increase more than 11% with this next generation of young adults in the next five years, according to a new report out from consumer research company NPD Group called the Future of Eating.

Gen Y and Gen Z don't mind spending a little more time in the kitchen prepping meals with fresh ingredients. That means we're whipping up more meals like omelets and pancakes over cereal. On the outs are pre-prepared and microwaveable meals.

Young Hispanics, who make up a large portion of Millennials and Gen Z, are also dictating the future of food as they continue to prefer traditional Latino dishes, NPD finds. Consumption of Hispanic foods is expected to grow 7% by 2018.

So keep your eyes out at the grocery store. NPD predicts brands will start catering to the whims of a fresh food generation.

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