
Tips on having a pain-free gift return experience


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Tips on having a pain-free gift return experience

It's inevitable, not everyone is going to like that perfect holiday gift you picked out for them, and vice versa. An estimated 15% of all holiday sales come back as returns or exchanges. In this week's Money


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USA TODAY contributor Regina Lewis explains five key moves to help ensure a smooth transaction at the return desk. USA TODAY

Regina Lewis, Special for USA TODAY 9:24 a.m. EST December 28, 2013

It's inevitable, not everyone is going to like that perfect holiday gift you picked out for them, and vice versa.
But when it comes to accepting returns, some stores are feeling a little less generous these days and are identifying chronic or "serial returners."

Retailers say stingier polices are intended to combat return fraud, which according to the National Retail Federation will cost retailers $8.8 billion in 2013.

In this week's Money Quick Tips video, USA TODAY contributor Regina Lewis looks at some key moves to help ensure a smooth transaction at the returns desk.

MONEY QUICK TIPS: Get some of your holiday shopping money back[1]

Regina Lewis is a national television contributor and host of USA TODAY's "Money Quick Tips" videos. Follow her on Twitter: @ReginaLewis.

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