
News Corp gets Storyful for $25 million


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News Corp gets Storyful for $25 million

Media giant plans to "enhance and expand Storyful's video products and services for newsrooms, advertising agencies and brands."


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Staff reports, USA TODAY 9:49 a.m. EST December 20, 2013

News Corporation says it is acquiring Storyful for $25 million.

The company -- popularly known by the shortened moniker "News Corp" -- says in a Friday news release: "Building on Storyful's skill in finding verified news amidst the noise of social media, News Corp will use its own global scale, robust digital presence and advertising expertise to enhance and expand Storyful's video products and services for newsrooms, advertising agencies and brands."

News Corp will also employ Storyful's tools to help boost "engagement and revenue across News Corp's businesses," the release says.

Company properties include Dow Jones, the financial news and services umbrella over The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch website and Barron's magazine.

"Storyful has become the village square for valuable video, using journalistic sensibility, integrity and creativity to find, authenticate and commercialise user-generated content," News Corp CEO Robert Thomson says in the release.

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