
Beer Man: Complex flavors shine in Gulden Draak 9000

Todd Haefer, The (Appleton, Wis.) Post-Crescent 9 a.m. EDT September 15, 2013


Beer Man is a weekly profile of beers from across the country and around the world.

This week: Gulden Draak 9000

Brouwerij Van Steenberge, Ertvelde, Belgium[1]

Gulden Draak is a standout even among the many fine Belgian ales available. It has been a standalone brand until the release of Gulden Draak 9000, a Belgian quadruple ale with a nearly 11% ABV.[2]

Belgian quadruples share some characteristics with barleywine — the rich caramel malt flavor and fruity aromas and flavors such as dates and raisins. Where they differ is the slight clove and peppery flavor from the yeast, and Gulden Draak 9000 is no different.

The ale from Brouwerij Van Steenberge[3], which translates as "golden dragon," comes in a 25.4-ounce bottle. It poured forth an amber liquid that quickly formed a healthy white head that left thick globs of lacing around the sides of the glass.

The caramel malt was prominent in the aroma, along with dates and raisins. These aromas also came through in the flavor, along with the caramel becoming more like toffee and a bit of apricot making an appearance.

The body was creamy and the carbonation a little less than medium, which is normal for the style. The ale is somewhat sweet, but again, in style and underscored by the strength of the alcohol content. You will notice the alcohol (10.7% ABV) with each sip; however, not as a burn and not as a vodka-like aftertaste. Aging the ale for a few months may lessen this effect.

I was always curious how many calories these strong beers have and I came across an estimate for this ale — 315 calories. That makes it a meal in itself!

Gulden Draak 9000 is imported by WIN-IT-TOO Inc. of Middleton, Mass., which carries a huge number of outstanding Belgian beers such as Bornem, Brugse Zot, Kapittel, Petrus, Piraat, Silly and Wittekerke. Its online beer finder link is here[4].

While many American breweries — Ommegang[5] being one standout example — are offering fine Belgian-style ales, the native Belgian beers are still the benchmark. Gulden Draak 9000 is a fine sipper offering complex flavors that will surprise you with each mouthful.

Many beers are available only regionally. Check the brewer's website, which often contains information on product availability. Contact Todd Haefer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To read previous Beer Man columns Click here[6].



  1. ^ (
  2. ^ Gulden Draak 9000 (
  3. ^ Brouwerij Van Steenberge (
  4. ^ (
  5. ^ Ommegang (
  6. ^ (
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