SunTrust flamed over a half-dozen properties in latest Benham uproar
This screen capture shows David (left) and Jason Benham in a video message posted on their website and YouTube channel this week, in response to HGTV's decision to pull the plug on a reality TV show that was to feature the brothers and their real estate business.
SunTrust Banks[5] Inc. (NYSE:STI) caught heat Friday afternoon when reports that the bank had cut ties with Benham Real Estate Group[6] spread like wildfire across the Internet and social media.
Jason and David Benham[7], the twin brothers behind the Concord real estate firm, have been in headlines recently after their planned reality TV show for Home & Garden Television[8] was canceled.
The Benhams made it clear they believe HGTV dropped the show over their religious views[9], pointing to a liberal watchdog organization's earlier report that painted the brothers as "anti-gay, anti-choice extremist" because of their activism and campaigning. The network, however, did not give a reason for its decision.
On Friday morning, conservative news website The Daily Caller reported the Benhams had lost all SunTrust residential properties that had been listed with their firm and its franchisees in several states[10].
Those listings — six of them, in total — have since been reinstated, but not before the bank was singed by the heated controversy surrounding the brothers.
More reports quickly circulated, with the brothers saying SunTrust had acted without warning or explanation[11]. Within hours, the Atlanta-based bank became a target of Faith Driven Consumers, an organization that advocates for "those who hold to a biblical worldview" on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. And that group's call to action sent hordes of supporters to various online and social-media channels, unleashing a flood of criticism.
“We were caught off-guard with this one,” David Benham[12] said in a statement. “Keeping us off television wasn’t enough, now this agenda to silence wants us out of the marketplace.”
Jen Wilson coordinates the Charlotte Business Journal's online operations and social-media efforts, chronicles local events for CBJ Seen and takes photographs.
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- ^ SunTrust Banks (
- ^ Benham Real Estate Group (
- ^ David Benham (
- ^ Home & Garden Television (
- ^ The Benhams made it clear they believe HGTV dropped the show over their religious views (
- ^ the Benhams had lost all SunTrust residential properties that had been listed with their firm and its franchisees in several states (
- ^ with the brothers saying SunTrust had acted without warning or explanation (
- ^ David Benham (