
Regulator directs Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac to merge some operations

Staff Washington Business Journal

The Federal Housing Finance Agency[1], the regulator overseeing D.C.-based Fannie Mae[2] and McLean-based Freddie Mac[3], on Monday said the agency would begin forming a company that would consolidate some of the "back-office" functions currently replicated individually by each firm, The Wall Street Journal reported[4].

The company would have its own chief executive and board and for now would be jointly owned by Fannie and Freddie, Edward DeMarco[5], acting director of the FHFA, said in a speech Monday before the National Association of Business Economics in the District.


  1. ^ Federal Housing Finance Agency (
  2. ^ Fannie Mae (
  3. ^ Freddie Mac (
  4. ^ The Wall Street Journal reported (
  5. ^ Edward DeMarco (
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