
Price target on Cullen/Frost’s stock upgraded

Barclays Capital raised the price target on Cullen/Frost Bankers' stock.

Price target on Cullen/Frost’s stock upgraded
James Aldridge[1]
Web Editor- San Antonio Business Journal
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Analysts at Barclays Capital[6] raised their price target on shares of Cullen/Frost Bankers’ stock to $63 from $58, the Mideast Times reported[7].

The investment firm currently has an “underweight” rating on the stock. Cullen/Frost (NYSE: CFR) opened Tuesday at $71.90. The stock was trading in the mid-$71 range as of midday.

San Antonio-based Cullen/Frost owns Frost Bank[8], which operates branches throughout major markets in Texas.

James Aldridge oversees online content of the newspaper; edits and reports stories for the online edition.


  1. ^ James Aldridge (
  2. ^ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (
  3. ^ Twitter (
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  6. ^ Barclays Capital (
  7. ^ Mideast Times reported (
  8. ^ Frost Bank (
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