Local investment club adds high net worth component

Jonathan George helped launch a local investment club called Angels of the Plains.
Kacy Meinecke Photography / Courtesy Evomail
Those behind a newly created investment club are rolling out an additional component that will allow accredited investors to fund local start-up businesses.
Now, high net-worth investors will be able to participate in Angels of the Plains and purchase an equity stake in a start-up. The Securities and Exchange Commission defines an accredited investor as one whose individual or joint net worth exceeds $1 million, excluding primary residence.
Jonathan George helped launch a local investment club called Angels of the Plains.
Kacy Meinecke Photography / Courtesy Evomail
Jonathan George[1], known locally for building businesses, helped found Angels of the Plains as a way to encourage entrepreneurship by creating a new way for people to invest locally.
“Start-ups don’t exist without seed capital,” he says.
The minimum investment an accredited investor can make through Angels of the Plains is $1,000.
- ^ Jonathan George (feeds.bizjournals.com)