Hickenlooper signs five final business bills on last possible day
Colorado House Minority Office
Gov. John Hickenlooper signs House Bill 1280, which enhances civil liability protections for agritourism venue operators, in his office in front of supporters, including sponsoring Rep. Tim Dore (far right). The signing occurred Friday rather than at the turn of this century, as the photo might indicate.

- Ed Sealover[1]
- Reporter- Denver Business Journal
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.[2] | Facebook[3] | Twitter[4] | Capitol Business blog[5]
On the last day that he could sign or veto bills from the 2014 legislative session, Gov. John Hickenlooper[6] gave his approval Friday to measures that will benefit retail marijuana shops, aircraft refurbishment companies and agritourism businesses.
But other measures could ding companies more that violate oil and gas regulations, as well as online retailers that have been trying to avoid paying Colorado sales taxes.
Hickenlooper waited in some cases until the last minute to sign bills that had been considered a fait accompli. He had made allusions before the session began to wanting out-of-state e-tailers to pay the same taxes as brick-and-mortar Colorado businesses, for example, and said shortly after the session ended on May 7 that he expected to give his backing to a measure that takes a first step toward setting up banking for marijuana businesses.
Still, the wait did not dampen the spirits of supporters of the last business-related bills to become law this year.
“This new law will help the agritourism industry grow in Colorado,” said Rep. Tim Dore[7], the Elizabeth Republican who sponsored House Bill 1280. “Agritourism can be a valuable economic driver in rural Colorado and with the industry protections in this bill, businesses will be able to have the security they need to expand and the piece of mind to participate in the agritourism activities.”
HB 1280 enhances civil liability protections for farms, ranches and other rural properties that offer tourist activities as a way to supplement their agricultural income. It allows them additional protections against lawsuits if they post a sign regarding the risks of the activities and get participants in activities like horse riding to sign a statement. The Colorado Tourism Office[8] especially had pushed for the bill[9], saying it will help to foster a small but growing industry.
Ed Sealover covers government, health care, tourism, airlines and hospitality for the Denver Business Journal and writes for the "Capitol Business" blog. Phone: 303-803-9229.
- ^ Ed Sealover (feeds.bizjournals.com)
- ^ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (feeds.bizjournals.com)
- ^ Facebook (www.facebook.com)
- ^ Twitter (twitter.com)
- ^ Capitol Business blog (www.bizjournals.com)
- ^ John Hickenlooper (feeds.bizjournals.com)
- ^ Tim Dore (feeds.bizjournals.com)
- ^ Colorado Tourism Office (www.bizjournals.com)
- ^ especially had pushed for the bill (www.bizjournals.com)