Fred Joseph: The Commish's retirement sends 'shock wave' through Colorado bank sector
Fred Joseph, Colorado's banking and securities commissioner, is retiring at the end of the year.

- Heather Draper[1]
- Reporter- Denver Business Journal
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To most people who've worked with Fred Joseph[6], he is simply known as "the commish."
And as he told me earlier today, "The commish is leaving the building."
The announcement Thursday that Joseph — banking and securities commissioner for the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies[7] (DORA) — is retiring at the end of year was jarring to many in the bank sector who've work with him for decades.
“Fred Joseph[8]’s retirement has sent a shock wave through Colorado’s community banking industry,” said Barbara Walker[9], executive director of the Independent Bankers of Colorado[10]. “Joseph is held in high esteem by community banks across the state and by IBC.”
Walker said she’s worked with Joseph for more than 25 years.
“He has been a steady voice of reason as a regulator in his various capacities with state government. He will be greatly missed,” she said.
Joseph started with DORA in 1983 as the deputy commissioner of savings and loans, now the Division of Financial Services. He was appointed the permanent securities commissioner in 1999.
Joseph has fulfilled the unique dual role of banking and securities commissioner since 2011, and he’s been praised for the job he’s done in both “commish” roles.
Don Childears[11], president and CEO of the Colorado Bankers Association[12], said, “We thank ‘the commish’ and we will miss him.”
“Fred has been a refreshing point of stability and good judgment as banking has experienced a lot of change in recent years,” Childears said. “As we face an increasing regulatory burden from the federal government, we only wish he would continue to be a voice of reason here in Colorado.”
Heather Draper covers banking, finance, law and sports business for the Denver Business Journal and writes for the "Finance Etc." blog. Phone: 303-803-9230.
- ^ Heather Draper (
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- ^ Finance Etc. blog (
- ^ Fred Joseph (
- ^ Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (
- ^ Fred Joseph (
- ^ Barbara Walker (
- ^ Independent Bankers of Colorado (
- ^ Don Childears (
- ^ Colorado Bankers Association (