Could tax-based funding be key to sustaining city's arts and cultural institutions?

Francis Hilario
Looking at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
After the recession hit in 2008, Philadelphia’s arts and cultural institutions have had to focus on diversifying their revenue streams in order to sustain themselves. And, while they’re doing all they can, from lowering ticket prices to offering more diverse programs, experts say a tax-based funding model could be key to sustaining the sector.
“The big one for us is dedicated public funding, which Philadelphia does not have that other cities have,” said Michael Norris[5], interim executive director of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance.
Earlier this year, City Council approved a revised 2015 fiscal year city budget[6], giving the Philadelphia Cultural Fund a $1.3 million increase for grant-making, increasing its budget to $2.9 million and its total budget to $3.1 million.
The 70 percent increase comes four years after the organization’s budget was cut from $3.2 million to $1.84 million, where it remained until this year through an appropriations process.
The appropriations process, however, may not be enough to sustain the arts sector in the long run, those with skin in the game are saying.
“There is public funding for the arts in the city and state level, but we basically have to fight for that money every year because it’s appropriated in the budget process every year,” Norris said.
What are other cities and states doing?
Pittsburgh's Allegheny County has what is called the Allegheny Regional Asset District, a special purpose unit of the local government. It supports and finances regional assets such as sports facilities, cultural institutions, and parks and recreation through the following assets:
Francis Hilario covers hospitality, restaurants and takes on general assignments and breaking news.
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